How to write a positioning statement for your legal services business

A strong positioning statement begins with a factual description of your practice, followed by the benefits your clients can expect to receive. It is an exercise in business strategy, and the skills of a poet are not needed to do a good job. In fact, finding yourself searching for more creative wording is a sign that the business strategy might need further work. You can refer to The Six Pillars: A Guide to Position Legal Services for more help.

A fill-in-the-blanks model might look something like this:

Firm name provides practice area services to clients in the client vertical industry in geographic area or jurisdiction. Our unique systems, processes, or personality traits helps clients to achieve this benefit.

If we substitute the placeholders, we might get something like:

Prospect Law* provides employment law services to clients in the offshore gas and oil industry throughout Europe. Our Offshore Risks Index and specialist industry experience helps clients to manage a safe and happy workforce .

A positioning statement like this clearly explains what type of clients this firm is going for, how they will help those clients, and what benefits their services will bring. It is an excellent tool for communicating the brand strategy internally. It forms the basis from which a creative approach can be developed to capture the attention of the target market.

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