1GC | Family Law

1GC|Family Law is an award-winning chambers specialising in all aspects of Family Law. With their move to their impressive new, modern offices they needed not just a new brand and website but a whole new name.

1GC | Family Law

1GC|Family Law, formerly known as 1 Garden Court, is an award-winning chambers specialising in all aspects of Family Law. Situated in the prestigious Lincoln's Inn Fields, their move to impressive, modern offices marked a significant milestone in their journey. With a commitment to excellence and a vision for the future, 1GC|Family Law sought to refresh its brand identity and digital presence to align with its new environment and aspirations.

The relocation to its state-of-the-art offices allowed 1GC to reimagine its brand identity and communication strategies. The challenge was to develop a new name and brand identity that reflected the chambers' expertise and professionalism and embodied their forward-looking vision. Sears–Davies was tasked with guiding this transformation and delivering a comprehensive suite of branded collateral and a new website that would resonate with clients and stakeholders alike.

Sears–Davies collaborated with the 1GC steering committee to navigate the rebranding process. Leveraging their expertise in design and branding, the team facilitated brainstorming sessions to develop a new name that would capture the essence of the chambers' specialisation and aspirations for the future. The result was 1GC|Family Law - a name honouring the chambers' legacy while signalling a fresh start and a focus on family law.

With the new name in place, Sears–Davies created a brand identity and website that would reflect 1GC's modern and forward-thinking approach. The design team crafted a sleek and sophisticated visual identity, drawing inspiration from the chambers' new offices and their commitment to excellence in family law practice.

The new brand was applied across multiple touchpoints, including internal and external signage, display materials, and printed marketing collateral, ensuring consistency and coherence in all communications.

The collaboration between 1GC|Family Law and Sears–Davies resulted in a successful rebranding effort that elevated the chambers' identity and positioning in the legal sector. The new brand identity and website resonated with clients and stakeholders, signalling 1GC's commitment to excellence in family law practice.

The refreshed brand was well-received both internally and externally. It reflects 1GC's forward-looking vision and sets the stage for continued growth and success in their impressive new home.

Sears–Davies' partnership with 1GC|Family Law demonstrates the transformative capability of strategic design in redefining a brand's identity and vision. By guiding the chambers through the process and delivering a comprehensive suite of branded collateral and a new website, Sears–Davies helped position 1GC|Family Law for sustained success in the active legal landscape.

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