
We had the opportunity to work with Maitland on an exciting brief that involved a comprehensive rebranding and repositioning of Chambers.


The goal was to create a modern, professional, and cohesive identity reflecting Maitland’s expertise, vision and values while establishing a solid online presence.

The project began with a discovery session and a thorough analysis of Chambers’s existing brand identity and messaging. Mike Bean and Mark Barlow worked closely with Maitland to develop a modern and more ‘grown-up’ brand image that aligned with their audiences and the evolving legal landscape.

Sears–Davies produced stylescapes to collaborate with Chambers on the visual development of their brand. These stylescapes, presented as large physical boards, allowed us to show a variety of design concepts, colour schemes, and typography options in a way that was easy for everyone to understand and provide feedback on. By working together through stylescapes, we could come to a consensus on the overall look and feel of the brand, ensuring that it accurately represented Maitland’s values and mission.

The new Maitland wordmark and brand elements were applied to multiple print and digital touchpoints. This involved designing business cards, letterheads, email signatures, and other collateral to ensure consistency across all touchpoints. New brand and style guidelines were created to serve as a comprehensive toolkit and reference for future marketing materials, providing a unified and impactful visual identity for the set.

In parallel with the brand application, we dedicated our efforts to the website design and build. Maitland and its Members required a website that not only showcased their expertise but also provided a seamless and user-friendly experience for existing and potential clients. We meticulously designed the website, ensuring optimal viewing experiences across all devices, focusing on an intuitive layout, and prominently featuring Members of Chambers and Maitland’s newly focused areas of expertise.


The result is a powerful and unified brand identity that firmly positions Maitland as “an exceptional set”, while the website serves as a valuable and reliable resource for their clients and prospects alike.

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