Global economic and financial policy consulting business, CEPA, initially approached Sears–Davies to design a new website. However, the project soon grew into a brand review and refresh along with a new visual identity.


Client Overview
CEPA is a global advisory firm specialising in economics, finance, public policy, competition, and regulation. Their expertise lies in advising on matters where economics and public policy intersect, providing invaluable insights to clients worldwide. CEPA engaged Sears–Davies to conduct a comprehensive brand review to enhance its brand presence and communication strategy.

Design Process
Our approach to the project involved close collaboration with CEPA's team to gain deep insights into their core values, target audience, and market positioning. Sears–Davies conducted a thorough brand audit to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This groundwork laid the foundation for a strategic and creative design solution to elevate CEPA's brand identity across various touchpoints.

Brand Refresh
Inspired by CEPA's expertise in navigating complex economic landscapes, our design team conceptualised a brand that exuded sophistication and modernity. A bright colour palette was introduced to symbolise innovation and vitality, while contemporary typography added a touch of authority and professionalism. Multi-layered graphic build block imagery was created to convey the multidimensional nature of CEPA's advisory services.

Brand Application
The refreshed brand identity and visual language was seamlessly applied across all communication channels, including stationery, presentations, reports, and digital assets. Consistent use of design elements ensured brand recognition and uniformity, reinforcing CEPA's professional image and global reputation.

Visual Language
The visual language developed for CEPA's brand communicated complexity and depth while maintaining clarity and accessibility. The building block imagery was a visual metaphor for the intricate economic and policy landscapes CEPA navigates with expertise and precision.

Website Design and Build
The website design focused on user experience and functionality, with intuitive navigation and engaging content architecture. Dynamic imagery and interactive elements showcased CEPA's diverse services and thought leadership portfolio, while clean typography enhanced readability and visual appeal.

Design Guidelines
To ensure consistency in future brand communications, we developed comprehensive design guidelines for CEPA. These guidelines provided clear directions on logo usage, colour palettes, typography, imagery styles, and layout principles, empowering CEPA's team to maintain brand integrity across all touchpoints.

The collaborative efforts between CEPA and Sears–Davies resulted in a well-rounded brand refresh and application strategy aligned with the firm's values and goals. The new visual identity, underpinned by clear and assertive thinking, positioned CEPA as a trusted advisor at the intersection of economics and public policy, driving enhanced brand recognition and market differentiation.

Through strategic design interventions and close collaboration, Sears–Davies successfully transformed CEPA's brand identity and communication assets, setting the stage for continued growth and success in a competitive global landscape. The project illustrated the power of creative thinking and partnership in crafting impactful brand solutions that resonate with audiences and drive business outcomes.

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